The old village centre of Warffum where ‘Het Dorpslogement’ is located is reminiscent of a museum. As if the last switchboard operator never left, you can expect to see a horse and cart coming round the corner at any moment and children playing hopscotch or spinning tops on a summer's eve. Is Warffum somewhat old-fashioned? It sure is. And a bit of a ghost town at times. That’s what makes it such a fantastic haven. Except for that one week at the end of June, early July. The week when the whole world dances and makes music in Warffum during the Op Roakeldais festival. And that means: dancing in the streets!
(Image: Op Roakeldais, Web Stories 2017)
(Image: Op Roakeldais, Web Stories 2017)
(Image: Op Roakeldais, Web Stories 2016)